
vitamin c

Pycnogenol, vitamin C help asthma

People with asthma often have lower than average levels of antioxidants, and supplementing the diet may help ease symptoms, according to new research. A report from the Asthma & Allergy Research Institute in Australia states that low antioxidant levels, particularly...

Avoid and improve varicose veins

Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...

Avoid and improve varicose veins

Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...

The secret to pain-free aging?

As you age, will you be hobbling about with sore joints and muscles, or walking tall, strong and pain-free? According to two recent studies, that may depend on your intake of antioxidant nutrients. Researchers at Wake Forest University reviewed data from an existing...

Anti-aging Essentials: the top three

Oxidation, or free-radical damage, is the main force behind what we call aging. It wrinkles our skin, clouds our vision and may even clog our arteries. It can also lead to diseases such as arthritis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. Free radicals get...

Healthy Kids: Iron deficiency

Many parents are concerned that their kids may not be getting enough iron. Iron deficiency is relatively common in babies (up to 2 years) and adolescents. These two age groups are especially susceptible due to high iron requirements and rapid growth. Iron is essential...

Keep cold sores away: what works

They’re painful, unsightly and they always seem to come at the wrong time! Cold sores are caused by a form of the herpes simplex virus, or HSV-1, and appear as clusters of blisters often at the corners of the mouth or on the lips. The first infection is usually the...

Healthy Kids: Take aim at allergies

Hay fever is triggered by pollen or mould spore allergens during the spring, summer or fall. The proper term is “seasonal allergic rhinitis” and symptoms include stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, itchy skin and eyes, and red, watery eyes. Hay fever is the most prevalent...

C for Surgery? Antioxidants may speed recovery, finds study

Surgery patients who take vitamin C and other nutrients may recuperate faster, say researchers from the University of Texas. A study published in the July issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found patients healed 17% faster by taking a special mixture of...

Breathe Easier: Vitamin plays a role in asthma and cough

Researchers have found that vitamin C plays an important role in normal airway function, may prevent symptoms associated with airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis and asthma, and may even help alleviate the dry cough suffered by smokers. The findings are a first...

Arthritis Protection: High vitamin C levels can keep arthritis away

A high vitamin C intake may protect against the development of painful widespread rheumatoid arthritis, report researchers. The findings are based on 23,000 men and women taking part in the ongoing European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC). All were aged...