
Fight Fatigue: Siberian ginseng shown to help in trial

If you’re feeling the effects of our high-paced lifestyle that’s almost become the norm, you may want to look into supplementing with ginseng. One of the earlist known medicinal herbs, ginseng is an antioxidant-rich root reputed to help people adapt to stress and reduce fatigue.

Researchers at the College of Medicine at the University of Iowa treated 76 men and women, most of whom were middle-aged, with moderate to severe fatigue of unknown cause. The subjects received either 2,000 mg of standardized Siberian ginseng or placebos daily for two months, after which all subjects received 2,000 mg of the herb. Researchers used the four-question Rand Vitality Index, a standard assessment tool, to evaluate the level of fatigue.

The researchers found that people with less severe fatigue, but not severe fatigue, improved significantly after taking Siberian ginseng supplements for two months. They recommend further studies be conducted with such subjects.

Veris Research Information Services, Aug 3, 2004