Now that cold and flu season has arrived, you’ve likely begun hearing a lot about popular immune system helpers like echinacea, goldenseal, zinc and vitamin C — and for good reason. Years of solid research show that these natural remedies can help prevent a viral...
Sulforaphane helps detoxify liver
A compound found in broccoli sprouts can help the body detoxify carcinogens, reducing the risk of developing liver cancer, according to a recent study. US and Chinese researchers conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to test whether drinking hot water...
Cold sores? Reach for lysine — quick!
At the Southern California University of Health Sciences, researchers found that a topical ointment containing the essential amino acid lysine effectively reduced the duration of cold sores. In previous studies, lysine was shown to decrease the risk of cold sore...
Peppermint oil eases IBS, even in kids
After an independent review of several well-designed clinical trials, it is clear that peppermint oil (PO) is an excellent choice for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients with non-serious constipation or diarrhea. For these patients, PO can alleviate general...
Ginger study shows anti-tumour power
Ginger is well known as an effective natural remedy for treating nausea related to both motion sickness and morning sickness. In a new study, a pungent compound of ginger called [6]-gingerol, known to have potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities, was...
Nursing moms may need vitamin D
Researchers from the Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, found that high doses of vitamin D improved the vitamin D status of nursing moms and their infants. In this study, the objective was to look at how high-dose vitamin D2...
Two to the heart: Cardio essentials
Heart disease includes a number of separate but often related conditions, such as angina, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis. As the number one cause of death in North America, heart disease is strongly linked to diet...
Ginkgo studied for anticancer effect
Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center say an extract of Ginkgo biloba reduces the risk of aggressive cancer in animal experiments. The investigators report that treating mice with Ginkgo biloba both before and after implanting human breast or brain...
IBS patients find hope with turmeric
IBS affects an estimated 20% of North Americans, with symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence, heartburn and fatigue. A recent study from the University of Reading in the UK has found that an extract of turmeric can help relieve symptoms of IBS....
Folic acid levels linked to depression
Researchers have always known that B-vitamins play a critical role in mood, but now a study has definitively connected folic acid levels with depression. Researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston have said that low folic acid (folate) levels are associated with...