

Little Signs of Thyroid Disease – and big mistakes in diagnosis & treatment

Itโ€™s estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians have some type of thyroid disease, whether thatโ€™s hypothyroidism (under-functioning), hyperthyroidism (over-functioning), or autoimmune thyroid diseases like Gravesโ€™ and Hashimotoโ€™s. In honour of thyroid health month this June, letโ€™s dive into the symptoms, assessment methods, causes and natural supports for thyroid health.

Evening Primrose and Breast Cancer: GLA inhibits cancer-causing gene

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a substance in evening primrose oil and borage oil, inhibits the action of Her-2/neu, a cancer gene that is responsible for almost 30% of all breast cancers, Northwestern University researchers report. โ€œBreast cancer patients with...

Dry Eye Solution: Boost omega-3 fatty acids, study suggests

Millions of people, predominantly women, suffer from dry eye syndrome, a painful and debilitating eye disease. The condition causes symptoms such as pain, irritation, dryness, and/or a sandy or gritty sensation. If untreated, severe dry eye syndrome can eventually...

Deficient Kids? Study finds most pre-schoolers low in key vitamins

Health-conscious parents who feed their young children the same low-fat diet they consume for better health may inadvertently deprive their children of vitamin E, an important nutrient for growing bodies, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln nutrition scientist warns. A...

Cut Heart Disease Risk: Vitamin E reduces cardiovascular deaths by 24%

The results of a new study involving nearly 40,000 healthy women โ€” the longest and largest trial ever conducted on vitamin E โ€” found that vitamin E significantly reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, which is the number one killer of women in the US....

Curry Spice Cuts Cancer: Curcumin found to inhibit melanoma growth

Curcumin, the yellow pigment found in the spice turmeric and a key ingredient in yellow curry inhibits melanoma cell growth and stimulates tumour cell death, according to researchers. The new study is to be published in the August 15, 2005 issue of Cancer, a...