

We appreciate you! Here’s what’s in store for you.

Our Standards

We’re vigilant behind the scenes so you can shop with confidence!

Our strict standards for each product in our store mean you don’t have to worry about finding GMOs, artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners in any of our products. We source organic whenever possible and our supplement shelves are filtered for unwanted fillers and additives.

Our home and body care is triple-checked – in fact, each ingredient is reviewed before going out onto the shelf. You won’t see parabens, phthalates, SLS, artificial fragrances, propylene glycol or silicon in any of our body care products.

Special Orders

We’re happy to offer special orders for thousands of products we have access to but may not have space for on our shelves. Just call or come into the store to place your order and we’ll notify you when it has arrived! (Please note, items we can special order are not listed on our online store, as they are not part of our regular inventory.)

Need Genestra, Metagenics, Douglas Labs, Pure Encapsulations or Unda products? We order regularly from these lines for your convenience. Just call us to place your order before 10am on Thursday, and we’ll have your items ready for pickup within a few days! We also regularly stock some of the top Genestra brand items, including HMF probiotics, D-Mulsion liquids, Orti-B, BioEnzymes and more.

Looking for bulk grains or flour? Save money (typically around 15%) by ordering in large bulk bags. Most products from our bulk bins can be special ordered in a large (10/25kg) bag, and many more items are available upon request.

Wellness GUIDES 

At our information desk at the back of the store, you’ll find a knowledgeable guide to help you with your questions and concerns. We are proud to have certified holistic nutritionists, health coaches and other experienced wellness specialist on staff.

Please note that our Wellness Guides are not able to offer personalized medical advice or recommendations based on your personal medical history. However, we are happy to provide resources for further exploring your personal wellness including directing you to local naturopathic doctors and other practitioners who we know and trust.

Peanut Points

Earn healthy rewards with our Peanut Points discount program!

  • No cost to join
  • No card to carry
  • Just use your phone number!

You’ll earn one (1) point for every dollar you spend on qualifying products. Points earned today can be used toward future purchases once you’re past 100 points. Here’s what you can save!

100pts = $2
200pts = $5
500pts = $15
1000pts =$40
Please read our full 
Terms and Conditions