

Mental health: the nutritional links

Researchers in The Netherlands have discovered a link between nutrient deficiencies and schizophrenia. In a study on 61 schizophrenia patients, those not taking a daily multivitamin had low vitamin B12 and high homocysteine (a marker for heart disease). The majority...

Alzheimer’s risk lower with daily multi

Two recent studies have looked into the effects that vitamins and minerals may have on brain function including the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In the first, Canadian researchers gave 96 men and women, 65 years or older, a placebo or a vitamin and mineral supplement...

Fish Oil: Food for the healthy brain

Despite all the research to back it up, it’s still hard to convince people that some fats are good for us. But the research on the benefits of fish oil may help change some minds—literally! Among their many health benefits, these fats may be one of the best natural...

Alzheimer’s improved with antioxidant

Lipoic acid or alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a powerhouse antioxidant that is widely used as a weight-loss aid. This antioxidant helps prevent excess fat storage and improves glucose utilization. Recent studies have also made it a popular anti-aging nutrient, known to...

Antioxidants cut Alzheimer’s risk

Free radicals are unstable oxygen compounds that damage fats, proteins and DNA. The brain is especially sensitive to free radical (oxidative) damage because of its high content of fatty acids, its high use of oxygen and its low levels of antioxidants. By studying the...