

An Apple A Day – But What Kind? Researchers seek out best disease-fighters

We all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away – but which type of apples helps the most? According to Canadian researchers, that distinction belongs to Red Delicious, Northern Spy and Ida Red. Of the eight popular varieties of the fruit analyzed, these three...

Antioxidants aid thyroid disease

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes the excess production of thyroid hormones, or hyperthyroidism. Symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, anxiety and high blood pressure. Goiters and damage to the eyes and skin are also common. Women are most prone...

Antioxidant fights prostate cancer

In the last decade, antioxidants have moved to the front line in the fight against cancer. Research shows they have preventative effects on cancer cell growth as well as many other benefits, from anti-aging to heart health. Previous research indicates that quercetin,...

The secret to pain-free aging?

As you age, will you be hobbling about with sore joints and muscles, or walking tall, strong and pain-free? According to two recent studies, that may depend on your intake of antioxidant nutrients. Researchers at Wake Forest University reviewed data from an existing...

Cut asthma risk with antioxidants

A study by scientists at the Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine in Slovakia found that people with asthma had lower levels of antioxidants than did healthy people. In this study, the levels of the antioxidants coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), beta-carotene and...

Diabetes Care: Antioxidant lowers blood sugar, study shows

According to a new clinical study, scientists discovered that type 2 diabetes patients had lower blood sugar and healthier blood vessels after supplementing with pine tree bark extract, or Pycnogenol. The study demonstrated that patients with mild type 2 diabetes,...

C for Surgery? Antioxidants may speed recovery, finds study

Surgery patients who take vitamin C and other nutrients may recuperate faster, say researchers from the University of Texas. A study published in the July issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found patients healed 17% faster by taking a special mixture of...

Arthritis Protection: High vitamin C levels can keep arthritis away

A high vitamin C intake may protect against the development of painful widespread rheumatoid arthritis, report researchers. The findings are based on 23,000 men and women taking part in the ongoing European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC). All were aged...

And the Winners Are… USDA study ranks high-antioxidant foods

Artichokes and beans may not be at the top of your list of favourite foods, but when it comes to antioxidants, these veggies earn a coveted place. They are among a growing variety of foods found to contain surprisingly high levels of these disease-fighting compounds,...