The herb devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a traditional south African anti-inflammatory remedy for pain and has been used in Europe to relieve pain from osteoarthritis over the past 50 years. In a recent study, researchers from the University of Freiburg,...
Hope for Arthritis: Topical glucosamine/chondroitin found to reduce pain
Results of a clinical study conducted by the Department of Complementary Medicine at RMIT University reveal new hope for arthritis sufferers. Researchers found that a topical preparation of glucosamine and chondroitin produced progressive reduction of pain due to knee...
Mobility Mineral? Taking zinc lowers risk for arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system disease in which the body attacks its own joint tissue, leading to pain, swelling and limited motion. Many research studies show that dietary choices can have a significant effect on the severity of the disease. According to a...
Omega-3 oils ease arthritis, slow cancer
Essential fatty acids are critical to good health. From brain function and depression to heart health and skin care, the body truly benefits from sufficient fatty acids in the diet. Recent research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial in the...
Joint Benefits: ease arthritis naturally
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of physical disability among adults. By the year 2030, an estimated 20% of North Americans will be over 65 and at risk for the condition. Fortunately, there is a growing acceptance in the health care community and the...
Devil’s claw quickly eases muscle pain
Devil’s claw is an herbal remedy commonly used to relieve the pain of arthritis. It has both analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatory properties. In a recent clinical trial, German researchers gave devil’s claw extract to 130 patients with back pain. The...
Antioxidants ease arthritis symptoms
Antioxidants are now known to benefit several “aging conditions,” including heart disease, cataracts and poor immunity. According to two recent studies, people with arthritis may also benefit from these free radical-fighting nutrients, which include selenium, an...