
bone density

Some osteoporosis linked to gluten

Rates of celiac disease are significantly higher in patients with osteoporosis, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. They recommend using blood tests to screen osteoporosis patients for celiac disease because their study...

Start on calcium young: studies

For women, adolescence is a critical time for building bone mass. In fact, some researchers believe osteoporosis may be prevented or delayed by maximizing bone mass during adolescence. At Ramam Medical Center in Israel, a study found calcium supplementation during the...

Older women need calcium and D

Deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D are common in older individuals, particularly those who live in nursing homes. These deficiencies increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Recent studies show supplementation can decrease this risk and provide...

Soy isoflavones: a menopause must?

In the last decade, soy has received tremendous attention as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy because of its rich supply of isoflavones — compounds that can positively affect both menopausal symptoms and bone loss. A research review by scientists at the...

Nutrition Notes: Low vitamin D costly

A lack of vitamin D — thought to be a problem of a bygone era — is showing up in growing numbers of women, children and the elderly, increasing the risk of bone disease and possibly other health problems. Exposing only the face, hands and forearms to sunlight for 10...

Calcium with D for better bones

Many Canadians lack sufficient vitamin D, partly because of our long, dark winters — a fact that has many experts concerned, since the body needs both calcium and vitamin D for optimum bone health. While calcium, available from milk products, beans and green leafy...

Calcium plus exercise for top bones

According to researchers at the University of Arizona, exercise combined with calcium citrate supplementation provides a significant improvement in bone mineral density (BMD) for postmenopausal women. Building BMD is important in avoiding osteoporosis, the gradual...

Red clover: four benefits for menopause

Cultures around the world use herbs for the natural treatment of menopause. Black cohosh, chaste tree berry (vitex) and red clover are a few of the most common herbs for this purpose. Red clover contains four plant-based estrogens, called phytoestrogens. These bind to...