People who eat fish regularly several times a week are significantly less likely to get cancers of the lymph and hematopoietic system, which include leukaemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and myeloma, suggests a recent study. While a fish-heavy diet is associated with...
Green tea inhibits cancer cells
Recent studies have reported that polyphenols, compounds found in green tea, may offer protection against certain cancers and may aid in the destruction of cancer cells. Now, Mayo Clinic researchers have found that another component in green tea helps kill the most...
Nutrition Notes: Tea a healthy choice
If you’re a regular tea drinker, research shows that you may be doing your health a favour. A new report in the Journal of Nutrition identifies many different types of studies that show how tea could help in the prevention of cancer. Laboratory research with human...
Eating for Health: Mediterranean diet and lifestyle change halves death risk
Individuals 70 to 90 years old who adhered to a Mediterranean-type diet and several healthy lifestyle habits had a more than 50% lower death rate than those who did not, according to a new study. Dietary patterns and lifestyle factors are associated with death from...
Curb Cancer Risk: Nine guidelines to help older women avoid disease
Post-menopausal women who follow recommended dietary and lifestyle guidelines may reduce their risk of developing and dying from cancer, say researchers. Conversely, those women who followed one or none of nine recommended guidelines for diet and lifestyle had a 35%...
Cancer Killer? Green tea shows promise in leukemia
Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered that a component in green tea helps kill cells of the most common leukemia in the United States. The research using laboratory cell cultures shows that a component of green tea known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) helps...
Cancer Control: Soy in diet may be protective
A University of Missouri-Columbia researcher has shown that estrogen may protect against colon cancer, and that soy protein may help minimize the number and size of tumours that do occur. Ruth MacDonald, professor of food science, fed female mice five different diets,...
Calcium: Study suggests lower risk of colon cancer
Taking calcium supplements is associated with a decreased risk of advanced colon polyps, according to a new study. Although high calcium intake has been shown to inhibit colon cancer in animal experiments, these effects have not been seen consistently in human...
Bee Cancer Free? Honey-bee products studied for anticancer potential
Bee products including propolis, royal jelly and honey could one day be used to help prevent cancer, say Croatian researchers. They report that these bee products significantly decreased tumour growth and spreading of the cancer (metastasis) in mice when they were...
Anticancer Vitamins: Study will look at high-dose combo treatment
A team of researchers is set to begin clinical trials to prove that a high-dose combination of vitamins C and K3 makes cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation, while also lessening the harsh side effects of those treatments. Dr Jack Summers and James...