

Orange Power: Citrus compound lowers bad cholesterol

A compound found in the peels of citrus fruit has the potential to lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs, and without side effects, according to a study by US and Canadian researchers. The joint study identified a class of compounds isolated...

Help cut cholesterol with green tea

In a trial at the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, researchers set out to determine if green tea consumption, which has been associated with decreased cardiovascular risk, had any impact on cholesterol levels. In...

Older women need calcium and D

Deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D are common in older individuals, particularly those who live in nursing homes. These deficiencies increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Recent studies show supplementation can decrease this risk and provide...

Niacin shines in cholesterol study

High cholesterol, a key risk factor for heart disease, can be modified through diet, lifestyle and drugs, yet many people still struggle to lower their cholesterol levels. Recently, scientists from the University of Maryland published a review stating that niacin,...

Fibre Factor: Researchers report protective effect on heart

Consumption of dietary fibre from fruits and cereals may lower the risk of coronary heart disease, say researchers from Harvard University, Boston. They say that dietary fibre, found in fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals, may reduce the risk of heart disease by...

Cholesterol Fighter? Compound in blueberries shows great promise

A compound in blueberries shows promise of lowering cholesterol as effectively as a commercial drug and has the potential for fewer side effects, according to a researcher with the US Department of Agriculture. The compound, pterostilbene, could be used for those who...

Go Nuts! Almonds help lower cholesterol, studies show

Almonds are high in fiber, protein, folic acid, vitamin E, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and phytochemicals. They’re also high in monounsaturated fats, which protect against heart disease by lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the "bad" cholesterol...

Young at Heart? Vitamins improve cholesterol problems in children

An estimated 50 million children have high levels of the "bad" cholesterol -- known as LDL -- that puts them at high risk for suffering heart attacks as adults. Most of these children have inherited disorders causing these abnormal cholesterol levels. Because...

Cutting Cholesterol: Plant sterols found to be effective

A recent study has shown once again that naturally occurring plant compounds called phytosterols can help lower blood levels of cholesterol. Researchers at the Department of Internal Medicine at Washington University in St Louis studied 10 volunteer subjects with...