
colon cancer

Nutrition Notes: Cut colon cancer risk

A new blood test for colon cancer risk may be on the horizon that measures levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is produced by the liver during periods of acute inflammation. High levels of CRP in the blood are regarded as an inflammatory marker. They are also...

Cancer Control: Soy in diet may be protective

A University of Missouri-Columbia researcher has shown that estrogen may protect against colon cancer, and that soy protein may help minimize the number and size of tumours that do occur. Ruth MacDonald, professor of food science, fed female mice five different diets,...

Calcium: Study suggests lower risk of colon cancer

Taking calcium supplements is associated with a decreased risk of advanced colon polyps, according to a new study. Although high calcium intake has been shown to inhibit colon cancer in animal experiments, these effects have not been seen consistently in human...

Drink to Your Health! Green tea may protect against colon cancer

A new study has found that consumption of moderate amounts of green tea might provide a protection against colon tumours about as well as a prescription drug, sulindac, that has been shown to be effective for that purpose. Scientists from the Linus Pauling Institute...

Nutrition Notes: The Goods on Garlic

Whether you’re a garlic lover or not, you can’t dispute that fact that this “fragrant” little bulb has a lot to offer in the way of health benefits! One of the most widely cited health benefits attributed to garlic is that it can lower blood cholesterol. According to...