UCLA scientists report that a diet low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, augmented with daily exercise, significantly reduced C-reactive protein levels in study participants. High levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood indicate...
Whey protein gives immune boost
Whey protein is one of the highest quality proteins available. It is quickly digested, and increases fat burning while simultaneously decreasing appetite. Due to its rich content of L-cysteine, whey protein may boost immune response by up to 500%. A study from Ohio...
Eating for Health: Mediterranean diet and lifestyle change halves death risk
Individuals 70 to 90 years old who adhered to a Mediterranean-type diet and several healthy lifestyle habits had a more than 50% lower death rate than those who did not, according to a new study. Dietary patterns and lifestyle factors are associated with death from...
Curb Cancer Risk: Nine guidelines to help older women avoid disease
Post-menopausal women who follow recommended dietary and lifestyle guidelines may reduce their risk of developing and dying from cancer, say researchers. Conversely, those women who followed one or none of nine recommended guidelines for diet and lifestyle had a 35%...
Walk for Your Life! Diabetics benefit from moderate exercise
Men with type 2 diabetes can save their lives by walking, and the faster they walk the less likely they are to have a heart attack or stroke, according to new research. “Previous studies found beneficial effects of physical activity in the general population, but this...
The Whey to Muscles? Whey/creatine combo boosts strength and lean muscle mass
Looking to make gains in the gym before swimsuit season? Researchers at Victoria University in Australia report that supplementation with a 100% whey isolate formulation and creatine produced significant muscle fibre growth increases that also led to increases in...
Joint Research: Glucosamine eases chronic knee pain
If sore, stiff joints are slowing you down, you may be interested in the results of a recent study by Australian researchers. They report that glucosamine supplements can reduce knee pain in people with cartilage damage and may help in cases of osteoarthritis. Their...
Prostate Protection: Good diet, exercise can kill cancer cells
UCLA scientists report that 11 days of daily exercise and a low-fat, high-fibre diet cause prostate cancer cells to die. The research is the first to show that diet and exercise can kill prostate cancer cells. "You can make changes in a short period of time that have...
Calcium plus exercise for top bones
According to researchers at the University of Arizona, exercise combined with calcium citrate supplementation provides a significant improvement in bone mineral density (BMD) for postmenopausal women. Building BMD is important in avoiding osteoporosis, the gradual...
MSM the answer for pain and injuries
The dietary supplement methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) is a type of sulfur required for the formation of healthy tissues, tendons, ligaments and muscles. MSM helps fluids pass through the cell membrane more easily, which reduces inflammation and helps relieve pain. In...