A healthy fat found in fish oil (docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA), may slow the rate of vision loss in people with an eye disease known as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP is a group of diseases that affect the retina, leading to night blindness, tunnel vision, and possible...
fish oil
Recipe for Heart Health? Exercise, fish oils supplement a great combo
When fat (lipid) levels rise in the blood for an extended time, a condition called post prandial lipemia, it can cause a temporary risk for atherosclerosis, a leading cause of heart disease. Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia found that a session of...
More Fish for Better Behaviour? Study links low omega-3s and hostility
Researchers report that adolescents who have a higher intake of fish oils tend to be less hostile than those who have a low intake. And since hostility has been shown to predict both the development and manifestation of coronary disease, fish oil may also reduce heart...
Fish oils ease asthma symptoms
Asthma is one of the most common illnesses, affecting 13% of Canadians aged 5 to 19 years. Since the body uses the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in fish to produce anti-inflammatory compounds, it is believed that fish oils can benefit asthma...
Fish oils may improve behaviour
Adolescents who have a higher intake of fish oils tend to be less hostile than those who have a low intake, say researchers. And since hostility has been shown to predict heart disease, fish oil may also reduce heart disease risk. Scientists from across the US...
Fish Oils for the Heart: Healthy fats have a number of benefits, study finds
Fish oil can help reduce deaths from heart disease, according to new evidence reports announced today by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The systematic reviews of the available literature found evidence that long chain omega-3 fatty acids, the...
Fish Oils a Smart Choice: Study shows omega-3 keeps IQ sharp in old age
Want to stay smart into your old age? Consider eating more oily fish or taking fish oil supplements, suggest researchers from Scotland. They found that people who eat oily fish or take fish oil supplements score 13% higher in IQ tests and are less likely to show early...
Help for Dry Eye: Omega 3s may be the answer
In the largest study to date examining the relationship of diet to dry eye, researchers at Harvard Medical School have discovered that getting more omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and relieve the dry-eye symptoms experienced by millions of North Americans. The...
Fish Oil Finding: Omega-3 fats help advanced cancer patients
Fish oil may help to prevent the severe wasting and weight loss (cachexia), which characterizes some types of advanced cancer, suggests research in the medical journal Gut. Cachexia is a major factor contributing to the illness and death of patients with advanced...
Finding Balance: Fish oils may help in psychiatric disorder
Women with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may benefit from taking fish oil supplements, according to a study published earlier this year in the American Journal of Psychiatry. There is growing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids, naturally found in cold water...