

Milk thistle compound fights cancers

In the ongoing search for cancer-fighting medicines, plant flavonoids are being studied for both prevention and therapy of various types of cancer. One such naturally occurring flavonoid is silibinin, isolated from milk thistle, which studies show may help with...

Anticancer Berry? Cranberry compounds inhibit breast cancer cells

Canadian researchers report that isolated compounds in cranberries called flavonoids may inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, when consumed in sufficient concentrations. These naturally occurring flavonoids may also help prevent other forms of cancer, including...

Antioxidant fights prostate cancer

In the last decade, antioxidants have moved to the front line in the fight against cancer. Research shows they have preventative effects on cancer cell growth as well as many other benefits, from anti-aging to heart health. Previous research indicates that quercetin,...

Fabulous Flavonoids

A new study from Finland adds to the evidence of health benefits from flavonoids, a group of plant chemicals found in many fruits, vegetables, tea and wine. New research confirms that those foods are indeed the best sources of flavonoids. Much of the flavonoids’...