
grape seed extract

Supplements for Smokers? Antioxidants aid smokersโ€™ gum disease

Treating gum disease in smokers is daunting: Implants don't take hold as well, surgeries are less successful and infections heal more slowly than in nonsmokers. Short of convincing patients to quit, oral biologists at the University at Buffalo School of Dental...

Smokers can boost oral health

In a study at the University at Buffaloโ€™s Periodontal Research Center, researchers showed that giving smokers a supplement containing the antioxidant vitamins C and E and grape seed extract improved the response to gum disease treatment. The researchers reported...

Avoid and improve varicose veins

Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...

Avoid and improve varicose veins

Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...

C for Surgery? Antioxidants may speed recovery, finds study

Surgery patients who take vitamin C and other nutrients may recuperate faster, say researchers from the University of Texas. A study published in the July issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found patients healed 17% faster by taking a special mixture of...

Mineral/herb combo cuts cholesterol

At the Department of Physiology at Georgetown University Medical Center, researchers conducted a pilot study on the effects of chromium and grape seed extract on subjects with elevated cholesterol. High cholesterol is quite prevalent in North America, and is a...