
heart disease

The Heart Vitamin? Study says vitamin C may reduce heart disease risk

Supplementing with vitamin C could reduce your risk of major heart disease events like heart attack, suggests a new analysis of studies. An international team of researchers pooled data from nine prospective studies. They included information on intakes of vitamin E,...

Fibre Factor: Researchers report protective effect on heart

Consumption of dietary fibre from fruits and cereals may lower the risk of coronary heart disease, say researchers from Harvard University, Boston. They say that dietary fibre, found in fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals, may reduce the risk of heart disease by...

Cholesterol Fighter? Compound in blueberries shows great promise

A compound in blueberries shows promise of lowering cholesterol as effectively as a commercial drug and has the potential for fewer side effects, according to a researcher with the US Department of Agriculture. The compound, pterostilbene, could be used for those who...

And the Winners Are… USDA study ranks high-antioxidant foods

Artichokes and beans may not be at the top of your list of favourite foods, but when it comes to antioxidants, these veggies earn a coveted place. They are among a growing variety of foods found to contain surprisingly high levels of these disease-fighting compounds,...

Go Nuts! Almonds help lower cholesterol, studies show

Almonds are high in fiber, protein, folic acid, vitamin E, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and phytochemicals. They’re also high in monounsaturated fats, which protect against heart disease by lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the "bad" cholesterol...

Eat Away Cholesterol: Diet as effective as drugs, say researchers

Researchers at the University of Toronto and St. Michael's Hospital have shown that a vegetarian diet composed of specific plant foods can lower cholesterol as effectively as a drug treatment. The study compared a diet of known cholesterol-lowering, vegetarian foods...

Plant Power: Omega-6 oils increase heart benefit from fish oils

Combined fish (omega 3) and plant (omega 6) derived fatty acids are more effective for combating heart disease in women than fish oils alone, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (77, 1:37-42,2003). The study was carried out...