Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago are investigating whether hormone therapy and two herbal products can lessen memory and other cognitive problems experienced by menopausal women. "Decline in mental skills and difficulty remembering things, finding...
Memory Test: Ginkgo trial will look at benefit for early dementia
UK Researchers at the Imperial College London and St Mary's Hospital are set to explore the effectiveness of gingko as a treatment for early dementia. The study of 250 patients aged over 55 will seek to find out whether GPs can help patients by prescribing the...
Sage helps menopause and memory
Menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweating, dizziness, headaches and palpitations. These symptoms reflect the body’s efforts to adapt to estrogen deprivation. In a study at the Universita degli Studi-Siena in Italy, researchers studied the...
Iron Out Brain Function! Mineral improves cognitive performance
Young women who took an iron supplement for 16 weeks significantly improved their attention, short-term and long-term memory, and their performance on cognitive tasks, even though many were not considered to be anemic when the study began, according to researchers at...
Improve mental function with iron
Young women who took iron significantly improved their attention, short-term and long-term memory, and their performance on cognitive tasks, even though many were not considered anemic when the study began, according to researchers at Penn State University. The study...
Smart Fats: brain food for all ages
The human brain is mostly fat, and good fat at that! To develop, grow and protect itself properly, the brain relies on us to give it a steady supply of this good fat, which cannot be made by the body but must come through the diet. However, most of us don’t give our...
Longer study finds ginkgo effective
Researchers found significant improvement in verbal recall among a group of people with age-associated memory impairment who took the herbal supplement ginkgo biloba for six months when compared with a group that received a placebo. The small UCLA study used a...
Better Brains: DHA protects against Alzheimer’s
UCLA neuroscientists have shown for the first time that a diet high in the omega-3 fatty acid DHA helps protect the brain against the memory loss and cell damage caused by Alzheimer's disease. The new research suggests that a DHA-rich diet may lower one's risk of...
B for the Brain: B-12 linked to risk for memory problems among elderly
Among healthy people over the age of 75 who have the genotype associated with higher risk for Alzheimer’s, low levels of vitamin B-12 are associated with significantly worse performance on memory tests. Scientists already knew of a genetic predisposition for...
Think Ginkgo: Longer-term study shows memory benefits from herb
Researchers at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute found significant improvement in verbal recall among a group of people with age-associated memory impairment who took the herbal supplement ginkgo biloba for six months when compared with a group that received a...