Women who take vitamin D supplements through multivitamins are 40% less likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) than women who do not take supplements, according to a new study. Food is a source of vitamin D, and the body makes vitamin D through exposure to...
Up Your Immunity: Multivitamin protects elderly from flu
As influenza continues to take its toll, a study by University of Florida researchers shows that nutrition can help seniors better weather the flu season. They set out to determine whether an experimental nutritional supplement would reduce in older people the number...
Daily multivitamin keeps you healthy – especially if you’re diabetic
In a study of over 100 adults living in North Carolina, those taking a daily multivitamin reported less infection, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, influenza and gastrointestinal infections, and a lower rate of illness-related work absenteeism, than...