

Back to Nature for Pediatrics? Physician looks at safe remedies for kids

Looking for natural remedies to help children with nausea, constipation and similar gastrointestinal problems? They’re readily available and they’re safe, says Kathi J. Kemper, MD, MPH, a pediatrics professor at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, and the...

Stop Nausea Now! Ginger helps with morning sickness

New research from South Australia has shown that there is more than hearsay to the notion that ginger helps to stop nausea in pregnancy. A randomized controlled trial of ginger as a treatment for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy has found that a dose of 1.05 gm of...

Ginger, B-6 two options for nausea

New research from South Australia has shown that there is more than hearsay to the notion that ginger helps to stop nausea in pregnancy. A recent trial of ginger as a treatment for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy has found that a dose of 1g of ginger a day does...

Acupuncture Beats Meds for Post-Breast Surgery Nausea

In the first such clinical trial of its kind, researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found that acupuncture is more effective at reducing nausea and vomiting after major breast surgery than the leading medication. The researchers also found that patients...