

Some osteoporosis linked to gluten

Rates of celiac disease are significantly higher in patients with osteoporosis, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. They recommend using blood tests to screen osteoporosis patients for celiac disease because their study...

Teens: cut osteoporosis risk now!

New research suggests that a woman’s efforts to prevent osteoporosis should actually start before puberty. In the first trial to track calcium’s effects on bone density in girls eight to 13 years old for as long as seven years, researchers at the Ohio State University...

Slow Bone Loss: Study stresses importance of adequate B-12

Older women with low levels of vitamin B-12 are more likely to experience rapid bone loss, according to new research. The new findings help to establish the importance of vitamin B-12 in the bone health of women as they age. Vitamin B-12, which is found in animal...

Start on calcium young: studies

For women, adolescence is a critical time for building bone mass. In fact, some researchers believe osteoporosis may be prevented or delayed by maximizing bone mass during adolescence. At Ramam Medical Center in Israel, a study found calcium supplementation during the...

Nutrition Notes: Low vitamin D costly

A lack of vitamin D — thought to be a problem of a bygone era — is showing up in growing numbers of women, children and the elderly, increasing the risk of bone disease and possibly other health problems. Exposing only the face, hands and forearms to sunlight for 10...

Calcium with D for better bones

Many Canadians lack sufficient vitamin D, partly because of our long, dark winters — a fact that has many experts concerned, since the body needs both calcium and vitamin D for optimum bone health. While calcium, available from milk products, beans and green leafy...

Calcium plus exercise for top bones

According to researchers at the University of Arizona, exercise combined with calcium citrate supplementation provides a significant improvement in bone mineral density (BMD) for postmenopausal women. Building BMD is important in avoiding osteoporosis, the gradual...

Calcium, body mass affect bone health

Researchers at the University of Tennessee report that adequate calcium intake, lean body mass and physical activity are the three most important factors in maintaining healthy bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC)—both factors in determining...

Seniors need calcium for bones and heart

You’ve heard that calcium is important for strong bones. But to get the calcium you need, you also require vitamin D. Vitamin D maintains a constant level of calcium in the blood stream by causing the intestinal tract to absorb more calcium from foods. If you’re...

Calcium needs change with age

We all need calcium, but there are times in our lives when our intake of this mineral is most critical, according to scientists at the Children’s Nutrition Research Centre at Texas Children’s Hospital. Using numerous techniques to establish calcium requirements and...

Calcium citrate for good bones and teeth

Most calcium supplements are made from either calcium carbonate or calcium citrate. One study has found that calcium citrate is up to 27% more absorbable than calcium carbonate. Also, the carbonate form requires sufficient stomach acid for proper absorption. Because...