
prostate cancer

The E Factor: Gamma-tocopherol, form of vitamin E, has anticancer power

The form of vitamin E found in many plant seeds might halt the growth of prostate and lung cancer cells, according to a Purdue University study. A team led by Qing Jiang has found that gamma-tocopherol, which occurs naturally in walnuts, pecans, sesame seeds, and in...

Slow Prostate Cancer: Tea compounds inhibit tumour growth

Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles were able to detect tea polyphenols in prostate tissue after a very limited consumption of tea. More importantly, the scientists found that prostate cancer cells grew more slowly when placed in a medium...

Promise for Prostate Cancer: Mineral found to have protective effect

According to Dutch researchers at the Universiteit Maastricht, the antioxidant mineral selenium appears to have a protective effect against prostate cancer. Selenium is a trace mineral that pays important roles in detoxification and antioxidant defence mechanisms in...

Antioxidant fights prostate cancer

In the last decade, antioxidants have moved to the front line in the fight against cancer. Research shows they have preventative effects on cancer cell growth as well as many other benefits, from anti-aging to heart health. Previous research indicates that quercetin,...

Milk thistle has anticancer benefits

Silibinin, found in milk thistle extract, is a naturally occurring flavonoid shown to have promising anticancer activity. At the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, researchers found that silibinin was beneficial for bladder cancer. Targeting a...

Cut Cancer Risk: Vitamin E protects against prostate cancer

Two forms of vitamin E – alpha- and gamma-tocopherol – appear to lower the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 53% and 39%, respectively, based on the findings of a team of scientists. The researchers drew their subjects from the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene...