

Strike Out Stroke: High vitamin C may decrease risk

Eating a diet high in vitamin C may decrease your risk of stroke, particularly if you smoke, according to a study published in Neurology. The study found that people with the lowest amount of vitamin C in their diets were 30% more likely to have a stroke than people...

Ginseng improves memory in stroke-related dementia patients

A recent study showed that a ginseng compound improved memory scores of people suffering from stroke-induced dementia, Chinese researchers reported. Memory loss, or dementia, may occur after stroke and is a growing problem in China, says lead researcher Jinzhou Tian,...

Lutein: For eyes only?

Over the past few years, studies have suggested that greater consumption of lutein, a “cousin” to beta-carotene that’s found in dark green, leafy vegetables, may protect against a leading cause of vision loss in the elderly. Research now suggests that lutein may offer...