Vitamin C supplements can reduce levels of C- reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and chronic disease risk in humans, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Participants who took about 500 mg of vitamin C...
vitamin c
Supplements for Smokers? Antioxidants aid smokers’ gum disease
Treating gum disease in smokers is daunting: Implants don't take hold as well, surgeries are less successful and infections heal more slowly than in nonsmokers. Short of convincing patients to quit, oral biologists at the University at Buffalo School of Dental...
Smokers can boost oral health
In a study at the University at Buffalo’s Periodontal Research Center, researchers showed that giving smokers a supplement containing the antioxidant vitamins C and E and grape seed extract improved the response to gum disease treatment. The researchers reported...
Studies show key picks for elderly
Hoping for good mental and physical health in your senior years? It may be as simple as A-B-C—or rather, C, D and E! These three vitamins are the focus of two recent studies on how we can head off common health issues associated with aging. At Harvard Medical School,...
Avoid and improve varicose veins
Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...
Avoid and improve varicose veins
Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...
The secret to pain-free aging?
As you age, will you be hobbling about with sore joints and muscles, or walking tall, strong and pain-free? According to two recent studies, that may depend on your intake of antioxidant nutrients. Researchers at Wake Forest University reviewed data from an existing...
Anti-aging Essentials: the top three
Oxidation, or free-radical damage, is the main force behind what we call aging. It wrinkles our skin, clouds our vision and may even clog our arteries. It can also lead to diseases such as arthritis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. Free radicals get...
Healthy Kids: Iron deficiency
Many parents are concerned that their kids may not be getting enough iron. Iron deficiency is relatively common in babies (up to 2 years) and adolescents. These two age groups are especially susceptible due to high iron requirements and rapid growth. Iron is essential...
Keep cold sores away: what works
They’re painful, unsightly and they always seem to come at the wrong time! Cold sores are caused by a form of the herpes simplex virus, or HSV-1, and appear as clusters of blisters often at the corners of the mouth or on the lips. The first infection is usually the...