
vitamin e

Antioxidants improve kids’ asthma

According to the World Health Organization, Mexico City has some of the worst air quality in the world. So two local hospitals were motivated to research alternatives to help alleviate asthma symptoms in young children, focusing on how antioxidants may influence the...

Studies show key picks for elderly

Hoping for good mental and physical health in your senior years? It may be as simple as A-B-Cβ€”or rather, C, D and E! These three vitamins are the focus of two recent studies on how we can head off common health issues associated with aging. At Harvard Medical School,...

Avoid and improve varicose veins

Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...

Avoid and improve varicose veins

Our leg veins have a tough job, which is to pump blood back up to the heart against gravity. When the small valves within those veins become weak, they are no longer able to keep blood from drifting back down and pooling in the legs. This situation is known as venous...

The secret to pain-free aging?

As you age, will you be hobbling about with sore joints and muscles, or walking tall, strong and pain-free? According to two recent studies, that may depend on your intake of antioxidant nutrients. Researchers at Wake Forest University reviewed data from an existing...

Cut asthma risk with antioxidants

A study by scientists at the Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine in Slovakia found that people with asthma had lower levels of antioxidants than did healthy people. In this study, the levels of the antioxidants coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), beta-carotene and...

Studies show mixed E a good choice

Scientists report that taking mixed vitamin E appears to be more beneficial than taking β€œregular” vitamin E β€” the type that contains only one compound, alpha-tocopherol. Mixed vitamin E contains four tocopherol compounds (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) and is closer to...

Cut Cancer Risk: Vitamin E protects against prostate cancer

Two forms of vitamin E – alpha- and gamma-tocopherol – appear to lower the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 53% and 39%, respectively, based on the findings of a team of scientists. The researchers drew their subjects from the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene...

Antioxidants are Heart Healthy: Large studies show preventative action

Large, epidemiologic studies indicate that among the healthy population, the long-term use of antioxidant supplements, specifically vitamin E and vitamin C, helps protect against heart disease. "It is puzzling how the American Heart Association's nutrition committee...

Alzheimer’s Answer? Vitamins E and C make a powerful combo

Elderly persons who take individual vitamin E and C supplements together may reduce their risk of Alzheimer disease (AD), according to researchers. Previous studies have shown that antioxidant vitamins may protect the brain against damage caused by free radicals and...

Action and Antioxidants to help avoid Alzheimer’s

Our improved understanding of how to maintain normal brain health is providing tantalizing clues about what may prevent or reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to Marilyn Albert, PhD, a leading authority on risk factors and AD. "The...