
vitamin e

Antioxidants improve kids’ asthma

According to the World Health Organization, Mexico City has some of the worst air quality in the world. So two local hospitals were motivated to research alternatives to help alleviate asthma symptoms in young children, focusing on how antioxidants may influence the...

Antioxidants ease arthritis symptoms

Antioxidants are now known to benefit several “aging conditions,” including heart disease, cataracts and poor immunity. According to two recent studies, people with arthritis may also benefit from these free radical-fighting nutrients, which include selenium, an...

Antioxidant creams smooth skin: study

Pycnogenol, an antioxidant derived from the bark of pine trees, is reputed to help protect skin cells from the damage of UV rays as well as support collagen and elastin production in the skin. Vitamin E, both used internally and topically, is believed to help heal...

Asthma sufferers can breathe easier

Asthma is a lung disease where the airways are chronically inflamed, causing coughing, wheezing, a tight chest and breathlessness. According to the Asthma Society of Canada, over three million Canadians suffer from asthma. During an asthma attack, chemicals are...

Antioxidants cut Alzheimer’s risk

Free radicals are unstable oxygen compounds that damage fats, proteins and DNA. The brain is especially sensitive to free radical (oxidative) damage because of its high content of fatty acids, its high use of oxygen and its low levels of antioxidants. By studying the...