

Vitamin D and MS Risk: Women who supplement less likely to develop disease

Women who take vitamin D supplements through multivitamins are 40% less likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) than women who do not take supplements, according to a new study. Food is a source of vitamin D, and the body makes vitamin D through exposure to...

Soy isoflavones: a menopause must?

In the last decade, soy has received tremendous attention as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy because of its rich supply of isoflavones — compounds that can positively affect both menopausal symptoms and bone loss. A research review by scientists at the...

Say goodbye to yeast infections

Vaginal yeast infections are among the most common reasons women seek medical attention. Properly termed candidal vaginitis, the condition is caused by an overgrowth of a species of fungus called candida albicans in and around the genitals. (While men can and do have...

Calcium with D for better bones

Many Canadians lack sufficient vitamin D, partly because of our long, dark winters — a fact that has many experts concerned, since the body needs both calcium and vitamin D for optimum bone health. While calcium, available from milk products, beans and green leafy...

Vitamin D cuts MS risk in women

Women who take vitamin D through multivitamins are 40% less likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) than women who do not take supplements, according to a new study. The body gets vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, and from the diet. “Because the number of...

Menopause herb safe and effective

Black cohosh is one of the most promising natural remedies for relief of menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flashes. It contains triterpene glycosides, which researchers believe may interact with receptors in the brain to block some estrogenic activity. Since it...

Curb Cancer Risk: Nine guidelines to help older women avoid disease

Post-menopausal women who follow recommended dietary and lifestyle guidelines may reduce their risk of developing and dying from cancer, say researchers. Conversely, those women who followed one or none of nine recommended guidelines for diet and lifestyle had a 35%...

Acupuncture Beats Meds for Post-Breast Surgery Nausea

In the first such clinical trial of its kind, researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found that acupuncture is more effective at reducing nausea and vomiting after major breast surgery than the leading medication. The researchers also found that patients...

Unexplained Pain? Low vitamin D may be the reason, says study

People with persistent, non-specific musculoskeletal pain should be screened regularly for vitamin D deficiency, say researchers at the University of Minnesota. They found that 93% of all subjects with non-specific musculoskeletal pain were vitamin D deficient. In a...

Rickets Resurgence? Doctors call for vitamin D supplementation

Authors of an article in the Lancet highlight how rickets - often considered a disease of the past - is still a global public-health problem today. The authors propose the use of vitamin D supplementation for pregnant women and among children up to the age of puberty...

Vitamin C aids women with fertility disorder, study finds

Women with luteal phase defect, who are at an increased risk of recurrent miscarriages, may be helped by supplementing with vitamin C, according to researchers. Luteal phase defect is marked by insufficient progesterone levels during the luteal phase, the time between...