Fertility problems affect about one in six couples and 30% of cases are linked to improper sperm production. For couples with this issue, two recent studies highlight the benefits of nutritional supplements. At the University of Ancona in Italy, a pilot study examined...
Healing ulcers safely and naturally
An ulcer results from damage to the protective lining of the stomach and produces abdominal tenderness, pain or “burning” about 45 minutes after meals, or during the night. There is usually blood present in the stool as well. Peptic ulcers typically occur in the...
Think Zinc! Many Canadians may be low, say researchers
One out of every four Canadians eat diets that are low in the mineral zinc, according to researchers from McGill University who analyzed data from the Food Habits of Canadians Study. Zinc plays a key role in immune function where it is needed for the body to develop...
Mobility Mineral? Taking zinc lowers risk for arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system disease in which the body attacks its own joint tissue, leading to pain, swelling and limited motion. Many research studies show that dietary choices can have a significant effect on the severity of the disease. According to a...
Colds and canker sores? Try zinc
Zinc is a trace mineral that supports a number of body systems, including the immune system. Recent clinical studies show that zinc can reduce the duration of a cold and may also help with chronic canker sores. At the Heritage Center in Utah, researchers studied the...
Moms-to-be need to watch zinc levels
One-quarter of all Canadians eats a diet that is low in the mineral zinc, according to researchers from McGill University. Zinc plays a key role in immune function where it is needed to develop natural “killer” cells to fight infection. It also has many other...