Researchers in The Netherlands have discovered a link between nutrient deficiencies and schizophrenia. In a study on 61 schizophrenia patients, those not taking a daily multivitamin had low vitamin B12 and high homocysteine (a marker for heart disease). The majority...
Taking EFA pays off for heart patients
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are widely believed to help prevent heart disease, and two recent studies show why. In a joint clinical study, US researchers explored the possible benefits of EFAs for patients with heart disease. In this study, 18 white males with a...
Creatine combo ups vigour, burns fat
If you’re looking for a edge in your workout or sports training, a combination of creatine and herbs may help, suggests a new study. Researchers tested the effects of creatine and a combination of ginseng and astragalus in 44 adults, aged 55-84 years. Participants...
Back pain? Three herbs that work!
Low back pain afflicts eight out of 10 people at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. It is the second most frequent cause of lost work days, and is the most common cause of disability in...
Protein power! Do you need some?
In the last few years, protein powders have come out of the gym and into the kitchen. No longer just for athletes and weight lifters, protein has proven health benefits for all. Protein accounts for the largest percentage of material in the human body next to water...
EFAs aid behaviour, language skills
Taking a combination of high-EPA fish oil and evening primrose oil can improve the behaviour of rowdy kids and help language skills, say researchers from England. In a five-month trial, 65 children with behavioural problems were given the essential fatty acid (EFA)...
Copper eases toll of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating brain disorder characterized by progressive loss of cognitive abilities. Increasing evidence suggests the mineral copper may be associated with the progression of the disease. In a study from Saarland University in Germany,...
Supplements support older athletes
If you’re an older adult exercising regularly, you’re on the right path for maintaining your health and independence as you age. However, older, active adults may need to support their bodies with extra nutrients. Researchers from Purdue University have determined...
Cranberry may fight cancer spread
Compounds in cranberries, called proanthocyanidins, have inhibited the growth of human lung, colon and leukaemia cancer cells, without affecting healthy cells, according to a recent study from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. In this study, the researchers...
Probiotics improve eczema in kids
Eczema is a form of allergic dermatitis that causes the skin — usually on the face, elbows and back of knees — to thicken and become inflamed, scaly and itchy. This reaction may be due to synthetic materials, scented perfumes or soaps. Atopic dermatitis is a...