Taking daily supplements of fish or soy oil may improve cardiac function and protect against heart attacks in the short-term, say researchers from Emory University School of Medicine. The study results are the first to show that soy oil increases heart rate...
Soy protein helps strengthen bones
Postmenopausal women who consumed high daily levels of soy protein had reduced risk of bone fracture, according to a new study. Xianglan Zhang, MD, MPH, from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine examined the relationship between soy food consumption and bone...
Nutrient combo prevents vision loss
Free radical or oxidative damage is strongly linked to aged-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in Canada. Therefore, researchers believe that antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, bilberry, lutein and selenium may play a key role in...
Black cohosh effective in hot flashes
Black cohosh is one of the most well researched herbs for menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flashes. In fact, several clinical studies indicate that black cohosh is as effective as hormone therapy for relief of this symptom. The herb was shown to be as effective...
Plant sterols help lower cholesterol
Diabetics, who have a tendency toward high cholesterol, may benefit the most from increased intake of plant sterols. Experts in cholesterol management now recommend an intake of 1.3 grams of phytosterols (plant sterols) per day to help lower dietary cholesterol...
Not just weight loss: Chromium also lowers heart attack risk
Chromium is a trace element that helps balance blood sugar and may aid in weight loss. New research suggests that chromium deficiency is linked to a higher risk of heart attacks, and that the mineral may aid in healthy cholesterol levels. Researchers from Johns...
‘Male Menopause’: Diet, exercise and supplement choices can all help ease a man’s mid-life change.
Lack of energy, weight gain, loss of libido, mild depression and hot flashes. We’re talking about menopause, right? Well, sort of. But the “change of life” experienced by many middle-aged men is more appropriately termed “andropause,” say medical experts. According to...
New Breast Cancer Fighter: Kelp lowers dangerous hormone
A new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that a diet containing kelp seaweed lowered levels of the potent sex hormone estradiol in rats, and raised hopes that it might decrease the risk of estrogen-dependent diseases such as...
Moms-to-Be: Vitamin linked to healthy birth weight
Mothers-to-be with lower levels of the vitamin folic acid in their body during early pregnancy are more likely to have babies with lower, or less healthy, birth weights, a study has revealed. Conversely, researchers, who examined nearly 1,000 women and their newborn...
Melatonin: Cancer Role? Canadian researchers urge more studies
Melatonin may have a role in the treatment of cancer, according to a new study published in the Journal of Pineal Research. Researchers say that the results are so compelling that cancer funding agencies should be eager to support clinical trials to evaluate its...