

Probiotics for Gut, Brain & Immunity

An interview with digestive health expert Dr. Sara Celik By Jason Sebeslav Dr. Sara Celik, ND, HMC, BHSc is a Naturopathic Doctor and Homeopathic Master Clinician with over 15 years of experience. With her extensive clinical and educational background, she is a...

Chronic Fatigue? Sports supplement found to improve energy

A Temple University study on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has found a link between creatine and metabolic energy that holds promise for future CFS treatments. โ€œWe found that creatine affects mitochondria โ€“ the parts of the cells that produce energy for all...

Cholesterol Fighter? Compound in blueberries shows great promise

A compound in blueberries shows promise of lowering cholesterol as effectively as a commercial drug and has the potential for fewer side effects, according to a researcher with the US Department of Agriculture. The compound, pterostilbene, could be used for those who...

Cancer Killer? Green tea shows promise in leukemia

Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered that a component in green tea helps kill cells of the most common leukemia in the United States. The research using laboratory cell cultures shows that a component of green tea known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) helps...

Cancer Control: Soy in diet may be protective

A University of Missouri-Columbia researcher has shown that estrogen may protect against colon cancer, and that soy protein may help minimize the number and size of tumours that do occur. Ruth MacDonald, professor of food science, fed female mice five different diets,...

Calcium: Study suggests lower risk of colon cancer

Taking calcium supplements is associated with a decreased risk of advanced colon polyps, according to a new study. Although high calcium intake has been shown to inhibit colon cancer in animal experiments, these effects have not been seen consistently in human...

C for Surgery? Antioxidants may speed recovery, finds study

Surgery patients who take vitamin C and other nutrients may recuperate faster, say researchers from the University of Texas. A study published in the July issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found patients healed 17% faster by taking a special mixture of...

Buckwheat and Blood Sugar: Plant found to have benefits in diabetes

Buckwheat may be beneficial in the management of diabetes, say researchers from the University of Manitoba. They found that extracts of the seed lowered blood sugar levels by up to 19% when fed to diabetic rats. The Canadian researchers say diabetics should consider...

Breathe Easier: Vitamin plays a role in asthma and cough

Researchers have found that vitamin C plays an important role in normal airway function, may prevent symptoms associated with airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis and asthma, and may even help alleviate the dry cough suffered by smokers. The findings are a first...

Better Brains: DHA protects against Alzheimerโ€™s

UCLA neuroscientists have shown for the first time that a diet high in the omega-3 fatty acid DHA helps protect the brain against the memory loss and cell damage caused by Alzheimer's disease. The new research suggests that a DHA-rich diet may lower one's risk of...

Bee Cancer Free? Honey-bee products studied for anticancer potential

Bee products including propolis, royal jelly and honey could one day be used to help prevent cancer, say Croatian researchers. They report that these bee products significantly decreased tumour growth and spreading of the cancer (metastasis) in mice when they were...