

Breaking Down The B’s

The B vitamins are a family that often appear naturally combined in the foods we eat. They’re commonly known as the B family, or B complex. They work in conjunction with one another for critical metabolic functions, acting as assistant coenzymes to catalyze many chemical reactions involved with nutrient breakdown, cellular energy production, and more.

Saying No to Type 2 Diabetes

by Brad King, MS, MFS The world today is facing somewhat of a diabetes epidemic with over 340 million sufferers and growing – and most of them outwards! The condition of diabetes can be broken down into two different types; Type 1 and Type 2. Those suffering from Type...

Mushrooms for Immunity & Menopause?

Mushrooms for Immunity & Menopause?

An interview with Purica's Jason Watkin By Jason Sebeslav Jason Watkin is the founder, CEO and lead formulator of Purica, one of Canada’s top independently owned health product brands. His background in Western sciences, infused with the teachings of Eastern medicine...

4 low-stress breakfasts for back-to-school

4 low-stress breakfasts for back-to-school

Guest Post by Dr. Marita Schauch, BSc, ND This month my focus has really been on lowering stress, and helping the body relax and heal before the tornado that is back-to-school. But even as we approach what’s often the most hectic time of the year (especially if you...

Stressed? Low libido? Maca can make the difference!

An Interview with Brad King, MS by Jason Sebeslav Brad King is a best-selling author, an award-winning public speaker and one of Canada’s most respected natural health experts. He frequently appears on radio and television shows, including Breakfast Television,...

Wash your hands with yogurt to prevent infections?

Wash your hands with yogurt to prevent infections?

Should doctors and other hospital staff be washing their hands with yogurt rather than antibacterial soap? This odd-sounding suggestion was part of a recent discussion paper by Professor Mark Spigelman of the UCL Centre for Infectious Diseases and International...

Aging Well: Keys to Longevity

Aging Well: Keys to Longevity

An Interview with Dr. Jennifer Marion, ND By Jason Sebeslav Dr. Jennifer Marion, ND, is a general naturopathic practitioner specializing in anti-aging nutrition, weight loss, chronic care and pain management. Jennifer believes that providing her patients with the...

Key remedies put PMS in the past

Key remedies put PMS in the past

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a cluster of physical and emotional symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. Between 50 and 70% of women experience some degree of PMS regularly. Common complaints include fatigue, irritability, breast tenderness, headache, food...

“Vitamins are safe”: expert panel

“Vitamins are safe”: expert panel

An independent panel of university faculty, medical researchers and physicians experienced in nutritional therapeutics says that vitamin supplements are exceptionally safe for the public. A new report by the expert Vitamin Safety Review Panel rebuts a recent US...