Layered with texture and fresh flavour – yogurt, blood oranges, sugar, and spice come together for a beautiful breakfast, snack, or dessert.
Reverse Prediabetes Naturally – 4 Tips for Blood Sugar Balance
Rates of It’s estimated that 6.1% of our population has prediabetes and that more fit the diagnosis but don’t yet know it. Simple monitoring methods, nutrition tweaks, lifestyle practices, and supplements can help.
Is Detoxing Effective? Fueling All 5 Detox Pathways
Are you considering a “detox protocol”? There’s quite some debate in the scientific and medical communities about whether or not we need to assist the body’s natural detoxification process. Dr. Cassie Irwin tells The Peanut Mill community her thoughts on detoxification of the intestines, liver, kidneys, lung and lymphatics.
VegiDay Protein Blueberry Vanilla Muffins
Easy and delicious VegiDay Protein Blueberry Vanilla Muffins come together quickly. Healthy blueberry muffins your whole family will love. VegiDay Protein Vanilla Blueberry Muffins made with VegiDay French Vanilla Protein.
Mint Chocolate Protein & Green Balls
This delicious Mint Chocolate Proteins & Greens balls recipe for snacking on the go or at your desk. Recipe by Garden of Life.
More Than Skin Deep – 4 Whole-Body Supports for Healthy Skin
Zoning in on the acne, wrinkles and dryness you see in the mirror pulls focus from the amazing functions of the body’s largest organ. We tend to forget that the skin serves important roles as a barrier to the external environment, a route for detoxification, and a factory for converting sunshine into vitamin D. Your nutrition, supplements, topical skincare and lifestyle practices can change the skin you’re in.
Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Naturally
Between 2 and 6% of the Canadian population meet the criteria for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a true depressive disorder that lasts at least two weeks and recurs in a seasonal pattern. While it can sometimes be triggered in the spring and summer, it is most common during the fall and winter.
Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for Romance
Aromatherapy is practiced when you use essential oils for therapeutic benefits. When you inhale an essential oil, the scent molecules send a signal to your brain that can create an emotional reaction. When used safely, aromatherapy is a great way to relax and set a mood.
YOU VOTED: St Catharines’ Top Eco & Vintage Retailers
During our ‘Taking Care of Local Business” Giveaway last month, we asked our social media community what their favourite local, independent businesses were in St. Catharines/Niagara. Here are your favourite top local retailers in St. Catharines.
YOU VOTED: St Catharines’ Top 20 Restos/Cafes/Markets
Last month for our ‘Taking Care of Local Business” Giveaway, we asked our social media community what their favourite local, independent businesses were in St. Catharines/Niagara – and they really showed up! your favourite local restaurants during lockdown 2.0.