
Research Archive

Oregano Oil: What’s All the Hype?

Oregano has become one of the most popular herbs for its medicinal properties, particularly for fighting infections like colds & flu, and boosting immunity. This is one impressive herb. I am always delighted when a traditional remedy has not only proven itself time and time again in its popular use, but also stands up to the scrutiny of medical science and rigorous research – and oregano fits the bill. This is a guest blog from Botanica.

Your Guide to Curcumin Absorption

Your Guide to Curcumin Absorption

Here’s what you need to know about turmeric, and its key active constituent, curcumin, to really benefit from this ancient and ever-popular botanical. The health benefits that people seek from turmeric really come from this compound, which is well established as an effective antioxidant and for its unparalleled ability to promote a healthy inflammatory response.

Oregano Oil: What’s All the Hype?

Oregano Oil: What’s All the Hype?

Oregano has become one of the most popular herbs for its medicinal properties, particularly for fighting infections like colds & flu, and boosting immunity. This is one impressive herb. I am always delighted when a traditional remedy has not only proven itself time and time again in its popular use, but also stands up to the scrutiny of medical science and rigorous research – and oregano fits the bill. This is a guest blog from Botanica.

Key remedies put PMS in the past

Key remedies put PMS in the past

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a cluster of physical and emotional symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. Between 50 and 70% of women experience some degree of PMS regularly. Common complaints include fatigue, irritability, breast tenderness, headache, food...

“Vitamins are safe”: expert panel

“Vitamins are safe”: expert panel

An independent panel of university faculty, medical researchers and physicians experienced in nutritional therapeutics says that vitamin supplements are exceptionally safe for the public. A new report by the expert Vitamin Safety Review Panel rebuts a recent US...

Mental health: the nutritional links

Mental health: the nutritional links

Researchers in The Netherlands have discovered a link between nutrient deficiencies and schizophrenia. In a study on 61 schizophrenia patients, those not taking a daily multivitamin had low vitamin B12 and high homocysteine (a marker for heart disease). The majority...

Taking EFA pays off for heart patients

Taking EFA pays off for heart patients

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are widely believed to help prevent heart disease, and two recent studies show why. In a joint clinical study, US researchers explored the possible benefits of EFAs for patients with heart disease. In this study, 18 white males with a...

Creatine combo ups vigour, burns fat

If you’re looking for a edge in your workout or sports training, a combination of creatine and herbs may help, suggests a new study. Researchers tested the effects of creatine and a combination of ginseng and astragalus in 44 adults, aged 55-84 years. Participants...

Back pain? Three herbs that work!

Low back pain afflicts eight out of 10 people at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. It is the second most frequent cause of lost work days, and is the most common cause of disability in...

Protein power! Do you need some?

Protein power! Do you need some?

In the last few years, protein powders have come out of the gym and into the kitchen. No longer just for athletes and weight lifters, protein has proven health benefits for all. Protein accounts for the largest percentage of material in the human body next to water...

EFAs aid behaviour, language skills

EFAs aid behaviour, language skills

Taking a combination of high-EPA fish oil and evening primrose oil can improve the behaviour of rowdy kids and help language skills, say researchers from England. In a five-month trial, 65 children with behavioural problems were given the essential fatty acid (EFA)...