Less than a half-teaspoon per day of ground cinnamon helped volunteers with type II diabetes reduce their levels of blood sugar - and reduce several heart disease risk factors, as well. That's according to a preliminary study of a small group of 60 men and women, all...
Diabetes Care: Antioxidant lowers blood sugar, study shows
According to a new clinical study, scientists discovered that type 2 diabetes patients had lower blood sugar and healthier blood vessels after supplementing with pine tree bark extract, or Pycnogenol. The study demonstrated that patients with mild type 2 diabetes,...
Buckwheat and Blood Sugar: Plant found to have benefits in diabetes
Buckwheat may be beneficial in the management of diabetes, say researchers from the University of Manitoba. They found that extracts of the seed lowered blood sugar levels by up to 19% when fed to diabetic rats. The Canadian researchers say diabetics should consider...
Grain Lowers Blood Sugar: Buckwheat may have future in treating diabetes
Researchers in Canada have found new evidence that buckwheat, a grain used in making pancakes and soba noodles, may be beneficial in the management of diabetes. In a controlled study, they showed that extracts of the seed lowered blood glucose levels by 12% to 19%...
Vitamin Could Save Lives: Low B-1 linked to diabetic kidney disease
Researchers at the University of Essex have discovered a new link to the cause of kidney disease in diabetes sufferers which could save hundreds of lives each year. Professor Paul Thornalley and a team of researchers from the University's Department of Biological...
Multis especially helpful for diabetics
In a study of over 100 adults living in North Carolina, those taking a daily multivitamin reported less infection, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, flu and gastro-intestinal infections, and a lower rate of illness-related work absenteeism, than those...