

Fight Fatigue: Siberian ginseng shown to help in trial

If you’re feeling the effects of our high-paced lifestyle that’s almost become the norm, you may want to look into supplementing with ginseng. One of the earlist known medicinal herbs, ginseng is an antioxidant-rich root reputed to help people adapt to stress and...

Iron ensures mental and physical energy

Iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia, is a condition common to women of childbearing age. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, shortness of breath and decreased immunity. A woman’s risk for anemia can increase during pregnancy, from vigorous exercise, or if the...

Low energy? Look at your iron intake

The RDA for iron in men is 8 mg—for women, it’s 18 mg. The body uses iron in two key areas: to transport oxygen to tissue and cells, and to make hemoglobin for red blood cells. Insufficient iron causes anemia, a condition where the body produces fewer than normal red...

Tired and stressed? Rhodiola is here!

Rhodiola, also known as golden or arctic root, has been heavily studied at both Soviet and Scandinavian clinics. This research focused primarily on its application in sports performance. During exercise, rhodiola has been shown to delay fatigue and increase energy. It...

Protein Power: Do you need some?

In the last few years, protein powders have come out of the gym and into the kitchen. No longer just for athletes and weightlifters, protein has proven health benefits for all men and women. Protein accounts for the largest percentage of material in the human body...