Fertility problems affect about one in six couples and 30% of cases are linked to improper sperm production. For couples with this issue, two recent studies highlight the benefits of nutritional supplements. At the University of Ancona in Italy, a pilot study examined...
folic acid
B for the Brain: B-12 linked to risk for memory problems among elderly
Among healthy people over the age of 75 who have the genotype associated with higher risk for Alzheimer’s, low levels of vitamin B-12 are associated with significantly worse performance on memory tests. Scientists already knew of a genetic predisposition for...
Vitamin Prevents Cancer: Folic acid lowers childhood cancer incidence
A research team at The Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) and the University of Toronto (U of T) has shown that folic acid food fortification has resulted in a 60% reduction in the incidence of neuroblastoma, a deadly childhood cancer. “Our research indicates that this...
Smokers Lose Important Vitamin; Second-hand exposure also robs folic acid
Exposure to cigarette smoke may rob people of folate (also known as folic acid), an important vitamin that helps protect against a variety of diseases, including a number of birth defects, a large nationwide study concludes. Both active smokers and those exposed to...
Folic Acid Findings: B-vitamin may have role in depression
People with depression may spend a lifetime working through their illness but what they may not know is that because they have depression, they’ll need to maintain their nutritional health as well. The latest news from Tufts University researchers shows that folate, a...
Slowing Alzheimer’s: Three Bs put to the test
According to researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center's Memory Disorders Program, three common B vitamins may make a difference in the lives of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. They have published encouraging results of a preliminary study and...
Folic Acid and Childhood Cancer: Study finds B-vitamin protective against leukemia
Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research have shown that there may be a link between levels of folic acid available to the baby in the womb and leukemia in children. Women are already advised to take supplements of folic acid while trying to conceive and...
B-vitamin beating kids’ cancer
A Canadian research team has shown that folic acid food fortification has resulted in a 60% reduction in neuroblastoma, a deadly childhood cancer. “Our research indicates that this is the first pediatric cancer that can be prevented through maternal diet,” said Dr...
B-vitamins lower breast cancer risk
A comprehensive review by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health reveals that folic acid and vitamin B-6 can help protect women against breast cancer. While several studies have shown that a diet rich in B-vitamins may help reduce breast cancer risk,...
B-vitamins critical for heart health
With the buzz about B-vitamins, most people now know that they are essential for stress-management and disease prevention—especially heart disease. Vitamin B-6, B-12 and folic acid help convert the amino acid homocysteine into harmless byproducts. Without sufficient...