In a study of over 100 adults living in North Carolina, those taking a daily multivitamin reported less infection, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, influenza and gastrointestinal infections, and a lower rate of illness-related work absenteeism, than...
Multis especially helpful for diabetics
In a study of over 100 adults living in North Carolina, those taking a daily multivitamin reported less infection, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, flu and gastro-intestinal infections, and a lower rate of illness-related work absenteeism, than those...
Multivitamin helps seniors stay sharp
Researchers at Memorial University in Newfoundland wanted to determine if vitamins and trace minerals could influence cognitive function in healthy seniors. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 86 men and women, 65 years or older, took either a...
Daily multi may improve bad behaviour
A new study suggests it may be possible to improve bad behaviour by providing daily vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Scientists from the UK wanted to test if getting adequate nutrients would cause a reduction in antisocial behaviour among prisoners. They...
Alzheimer’s risk lower with daily multi
Two recent studies have looked into the effects that vitamins and minerals may have on brain function including the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In the first, Canadian researchers gave 96 men and women, 65 years or older, a placebo or a vitamin and mineral supplement...
Vitamin C: Protection during pregnancy
If you’re pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, you may want to look into your daily intake of vitamin C. According to a recent study, women with the lowest intakes of vitamin C are at greater risk for suffering a ruptured membrane and going into premature...
Prevent cataracts one day at a time
Cataracts are a result of degenerative changes in the lens of the eye, often brought on by aging, diabetes or eye injuries. Though painless, cataracts cause a distinct thickening or “cloudiness” of the pupil making it unable to focus or admit light properly. Left...