
vitamin e

Antioxidants improve kids’ asthma

According to the World Health Organization, Mexico City has some of the worst air quality in the world. So two local hospitals were motivated to research alternatives to help alleviate asthma symptoms in young children, focusing on how antioxidants may influence the...

Keep taking vitamin E, say experts

If you’ve got a list of resolutions for the New Year, one of them should be to keep taking a daily vitamin E supplement. That’s the advice of a growing number of health experts in response to a recent highly publicized report suggesting vitamin E may be harmful in...

Deficient Kids? Study finds most pre-schoolers low in key vitamins

Health-conscious parents who feed their young children the same low-fat diet they consume for better health may inadvertently deprive their children of vitamin E, an important nutrient for growing bodies, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln nutrition scientist warns. A...

Vitamin E Protects Heart: Diabetics benefit from daily supplement

Despite recent reports that high-dose vitamin E is associated with a higher overall risk of dying, at least one group stands to benefit greatly. About 40% of diabetic patients can reduce their risk of heart attacks and of dying from heart disease by taking vitamin E...

Supplements for Smokers? Antioxidants aid smokers’ gum disease

Treating gum disease in smokers is daunting: Implants don't take hold as well, surgeries are less successful and infections heal more slowly than in nonsmokers. Short of convincing patients to quit, oral biologists at the University at Buffalo School of Dental...

Smokers can boost oral health

In a study at the University at Buffalo’s Periodontal Research Center, researchers showed that giving smokers a supplement containing the antioxidant vitamins C and E and grape seed extract improved the response to gum disease treatment. The researchers reported...